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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt


The team of Democracy International
On with the Struggle!
2016 was a challenging year for Democracy International and for all the people who are striving for more democracy and more co-determination in the world. Challenging because (direct) democracy was attacked and criticised and the attempt was made to dump it onto the political...
Das Team von Democracy International
Unser Einsatz für mehr Demokratie im Jahr 2016.   Unser Einsatz für mehr Demokratie im Jahr 2016.
Italy rejects constitutional reform
On Sunday, 4 December 2016, Italian voters decided by referendum not to change the Italian constitution to reform the appointment and powers of the Parliament as well as the partition of State and Regions and administrative entities.   On Sunday, 4 December 2016,...
Why We All Need to Leave the Country After This Election
Now that the election is over, are you leaving the country? If not, you ought to reconsider. I’m not kidding. Yes, a handful of our fellow Californians—prominent citizens from Samuel L. Jackson and Bryan Cranston to Miley Cyrus and Barbra Streisand—proclaimed themselves so...
Follow live: Global Forum in San Sebastian
From 16 to 19 November 2016, 200 people from across the world will come together in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, to address the questions if direct democracy is in retreat or on the rise. The gathering forms the sixth Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy that aims at...
Einzigartig: Globale Demokratiekonferenz in San Sebastian steht bevor
Vom 16.-19. November wird im spanischen Donostia-San Sebastián das Globale Forum zur Modernen Direkten Demokratie stattfinden. Zur Frage steht, wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger lokale Politik gestalten können und welche Möglichkeiten zur weltweiten Vernetzung bestehen. Auch werden die...
Democracy in Iceland: Balancing the Volcano
On Saturday, 29 October 2016, parliamentary elections were held in Iceland: The Independence Party emerged as the largest in the Althing, the Icelandic parliament, winning exactly one third of the 63 available seats. The Progressive Party, which had won most seats in 2013, lost...
“The refugee vote is a misuse of political communication”
On Sunday, 2 October, Hungary’s eight million eligible citizens were to decide in a plebiscite whether Hungary should accept the European Union’s quota system for asylum seekers. Ahead of this vote, Democracy International has interviewed Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy, an Assistant...
“Das Flüchtlingsvotum ist ein Missbrauch politischer Kommunikation"
Am Sonntag, den 2. Oktober 2016, stimmten Ungarns acht Millionen wahlberechtigte Bürgerinnen und Bürger über das EU-Quotensystem für die Verteilung von Flüchtlingen ab. Vor dem Votum hat Democracy International mit Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy, Juniorprofessor an der Eötvös Loránd...
Results of Swiss referendum day, 26 Sept. 2016, Source: swissinfo.ch
Swiss opt for stronger secret services
Sunday, 25 September 2016, was this year's third "Decision Day" in Switzerland: Swiss voters were called to the ballot box to decide on a number of initiatives and referendums. Democracy International board member Bruno Kaufmann, editor-in-chief of...



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