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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt
EU-Bürgerinitiative: ein Glaubwürdigkeitstest für die EU
Am 20. April hat in Brüssel der fünfte Tag der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative (EBI) stattgefunden. Die eintägige Konferenz bietet Aktivisten, Akademikern und EU-Politikern Gelegenheit zum Austausch über das einzige Bürgerbeteiligungsinstruments auf EU-Ebene, das in seiner Praxis...
ECI tests EU’s faith in democracy
20 April 2016 is the fifth "ECI Day" taking place in Brussels. On the occasion of the one-day-conference, scholars, practitioners and academics gather to discuss the workings of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) and how to improve the only instrument of participatory...
How the Curse of the Quorum Poisoned Democracy
On Sunday, 17 April 2016, Italy held a referendum on the question wheter to allow unlimited oil drilling. The popular vote was defeated as it did not reach the necessary turnout quorum of 50 per cent. Our board member Bruno Kaufmann observed the referendum in Rome and comments...
Wird die Queen nach dem 23. Juni noch EU-Bürgerin sein?
In the upcoming UK EU membership on 23 June, Nigel Smith will advise the campaign “Vote Leave” as “an old wise head” as he calls it. Democracy International interviewed the Scotsman on 14 April 2016, just one day after the Electoral decision appointed "Vote Leave" to lead the No...
Will the Queen still be an EU citizen after 23 June?
In the upcoming UK EU membership on 23 June, Nigel Smith will advise the campaign “Vote Leave” as “an old wise head” as he calls it. Democracy International interviewed the Scotsman on 14 April 2016, just one day after the Electoral decision appointed "Vote Leave" to lead the No...
Ein holländischer Direktdemokrat zum Ukraine-Referendum
Am Mittwoch, den 6. April 2016, fand in den Niederlanden die erste von Bürgern ausgelöste Volksabstimmung statt. Bei einer Beteiligung von 32,2 Prozent entschieden sich 61,1 Prozent der Niederlänger gegen das sogenannte Assoziierungsabkommen der EU mit der Ukraine. Seit...
A Dutch direct democrat on the Ukraine Referendum
On 6 April 2016, the first national citizen-initiated referendum in the Netherlands was held. With a turnout of 32.2 percent, 61.1 percent of the Dutch voted against ratifying the Association Treaty that the EU wants to conclude with Ukraine. The referendum was made possible...
Dutch citizens vote against EU-Ukraine Treaty
On Wednesday, 6 April 2016, 62 per cent of Dutch voters decided in a national referendum to reject the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, while 38 per cent voted for it. The turnout quorum of 30 per cent was met: 32 per cent of the Netherlands's 12.5 million citizens participated...
EU-Kommission blockiert Demokratiereform
Im Februar 2016 hat die EU-Kommission bekannt gegeben, dass sie die Regeln der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative nicht verbessern wird. Damit widersetzt sich die Kommission der Forderung des Euroäischen Parlaments und von tausenden von EU-Bürgern, die eine Reform des einzigen...
EU Commission blocks democratic reform
In February 2016 the European Commission declared it would not improve the legislation of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). This refusal occurred in spite of demands by the European Parliament and by thousands of people from all across Europe to reform the instrument of...