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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt


Josiah Mortimer
“The referendum issues just aren’t getting through”
The following is an interview with Josiah Mortimer on the United Kingdom’s upcoming referendum on EU membership on 23 June 2016, as well as on the quality of the referendum debate and the urgent reforms required to make both the UK and the EU more democratic. Josiah Mortimer...
A cup of the VoteLeave campaign (Photo by Bruno Kaufmann)
Mind the gaps, Brittania
With 100 days to go, the Brexit referendum is on track and offers great democratic opportunities. But this historic popular vote appears unnecessarily rushed and features elements of a top-down direct democracy approach, reports Democracy International board member Bruno...
"What does Britain owe Europe?" in London on 10 March 2016
Discussing "Brexit" in London
What does Britian owe Europe?" - this was the question raised by Democracy International and Zocalo Public Square at the Royal Institution in London on 10 March 2016. Democracy International board member Gerald Häfner,...
Opinion: Varoufakis’ truths and fallacies about the EU
On Tuesday night, 9 February 2016, Yanis Varoufakis, Greek Minister of Finance during the climax of the Euro crisis, launched in Berlin the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, in short, DiEM25. Democracy International could not agree more about the need for a bottom-up pan-...
Varoufakis’ wahre und falsche Aussagen über die EU
Am Dienstag, den 9. Februar, hat der ehemalige griechische Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis die "Democracy in Europe Movement 2025" gegründet. Democracy International begrüßt, dass die pan-europäische Bewegung die völlige Demokratisierung der EU und einen EU-Konvent fordert und...
The constitutional committee voting on ECI reform proposals on 28 September 2015
ECI proposals adopted by EU Parliament and action required
On 28 October 2015 the European Parliament (EP) voted with an overwhelming majority in favour of the Resolution on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). The following table lists each demand included in the Resolution and indicates what action would be needed – and whether a...
The constitutional committee voting on ECI reform proposals on 28 September 2015
EU Bürgerinitiative: Angenommene Reformen und weiteres Handeln
Am 28. Oktober 2015 stimmte das Europäische Parlament mit eindeutiger Mehrheit für die Resolution der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative (EBI). Die folgende Tabelle bietet eine Übersicht über jede einzelne Forderung, die Eingang in die Resolution gefunden hat. Sie zeigt auf, welche...
Opinion: Deportation initiative violates human rights
On 28 February 2016, the Swiss people will vote in a referendum on the the so-called implementation initiative, the Swiss People’s Party came up with in order to realise the original deportation initiative of 2010. In this opinion piece for swissinfo.ch, Kurt Fluri argues that...
"The situation in Poland is much more complex"
Interview with Anna Rytel-Warzocha on the recent political developments in Poland, the question whether democracy is threatened and on the strength of Polish civil society to protest against the measures of the new Polish government. Anna Rytel-Warzocha is a lawyer and holds a...
"Die Situation in Polen ist viel komplizierter"
Interview mit Anna Rytel-Warzocha über die politischen Entwicklungen in Polen, die Frage, ob die polnische Demokratie in Gefahr sei und über die Stärke der Zivilgesellschaft, um gegen die Maßnahmen der neuen Regierung zu protestieren. Anna Rytel-Warzocha ist promovierte...



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