Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie



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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt


Alternative Family Photo: Democratic Europe Now!, Dome for Democracy, Bratislava
Next General Assembly of Democracy International
The next general assembly of Democracy International is to take place in Donostia San Sebastian, Spain, on 19 November 2016 (Time: 2:30 pm to 5:15 pm, venue: Donostia/San Sebastian City Hall, Ijentea No. 1, 20003 Donostia/San Sebastian) We look forward to meeting you. In case of...
Alternative Family Photo: Democratic Europe Now!, Dome for Democracy, Bratislava
Nächste Mitgliederversammlung von Democracy International
Die nächste Mitgliederversammlung von Democracy International findet am 19. November in Donostia San Sebastian statt.(Zeit 14:30 bis 17:15 Uhr, Ort: Donostia/San Sebastian City Hall, Ijentea No. 1, 20003 Donostia/San Sebastian) Wir freuen uns auf Sie. Wenn Sie Fragen zu unserer...
Flags of Slovakia and the EU in Bratislava
Join us in Bratislava during EU Summit
On 15 September 2016, one day ahead of the EU summit, Democracy International and democracy activists from right across the EU will build a "Dome for Democracy" in Bratislava. Facbricated in a wooden, transparent structure, the dome is to symbolise tha the people...
Flags of Slovakia and the EU in Bratislava
EU Gipfel: Machen Sie mit in Bratislava!
Mehr als 57.000 Menschen aus ganz Europa fordern nach Brexit einen demokratischen Neuanfang der Europäischen Union. So viele Unterschriften sind innerhalb der letzten zwei Monate bei Democracy International eingegangen, und die Anzahl steigt weiter (s....
Take action to stop secret lobbying!
Email your EU Representative ahead of the decisive vote in the EU Parliament on 12 September!
Challenging Autumn of Citizens' Decisions
Four more months to go in 2016 and one billion  citizens around the globe are about to make their voices heard at the ballot box – in hundreds of elections and referenda from Russia to Hong Kong, Iceland to the United States of America. An overview by Bruno Kaufmann, board...
Crisis of Democracy: “But it’s not too late“
Manfred Nowak is an Austrian human rights professor who served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture from 2004 to 2010. In this conversation with Democracy International, Manfred Nowak argues that democracy and the rule of law are currently facing a crisis globally...
Krise der Demokratie: "Es ist noch nicht zu spät"
Manfred Nowak, Professor für Internationales Recht und Menschenrechte in Wien und Venedig, im Gespräch mit Democracy International über den Zusammenhang von Rechtsstaat, Demokratie und Menschenrechten und die jüngsten politischen Ereignisse in der Türkei. Laut Manfred Nowak...
Brexit shows: direct democracy needs long-term practicing
Gerhard Schuster currently works as Senior Campaign Manager of the "European Credit Initiative", a project that aims at granting the right to interest-free credits for enterprises that serve the common good. The "right to credit" is to become EU law by means of a European...
Brexit triggers global debate on direct democracy
The decision by the British electorate to ”leave” the European Union has created worldwide momentum for discussing the options and limits of the initiative and referendum process – and a new start for launching transnational governance structures. In this article Bruno Kaufmann...



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