Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie


EXCEPTIUS analyses exceptional decision-making in 32 European countries. Through interdisciplinary knowledge, the project contributes to the study of democratic resilience by assessing why some democratic systems prove more resilient to crises and which political reforms increase such resilience.

As a board member of the EXCEPTIUS project, Democracy International helps set the strategic goals of the programme.

2020 was not only bad year for health, education and the economy in the world, but also for democracy and our freedoms. With three key reports on the...
From the series: Democracy in Distress the Exceptius project, supported by Democracy International is presenting the first webinar on 'Holding...
Article photo courtesy of 7c0 (CC BY 2.0)
Clara Egger is a professor of international relations at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, focusing on the role of citizens and their...


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