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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt


‘The ECI needs to become stronger’
The New European Movement of Switzerland is one of the few organisations defying the current political trend to promote an accession to the European Union of Switzerland and to push for concrete steps to make the EU much more democratic. Established in 1998, the ...
Commissioner Timmermans at ECI Day 2017, Photo: The ECI Campaign
EU Commission up for more direct democracy
On 11 April 2017, in a rare moment of positive international news for more democracy, the European Commission declared to revise the EU legislation concerning the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). The announcement came after arduous campaigns by Democracy International and...
Commissioner Timmermans at ECI Day 2017, Photo: The ECI Campaign
EU Kommission will Bürgerinitiative verbessern
Am 11. April 2017 hat die Europäische Kommission verkündet, die EU-Gesetze zu überarbeiten, die die Regeln der EU Bürgerinitiative bestimmen. Die Nachricht kam überraschend. Noch im Oktober 2016 hatte das höchste EU-Organ dem Druck von Democracy International und anderen...
Contested ECI turns five years on Saturday
On 1 April 2017, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) celebrated its fifth anniversary. The historically first tool of participatory and direct democracy at transnational level provides EU citizens with the constitutional right to address the decision-making process of the EU...
Please, not another EU Declaration!
On 25 March 2017, yet another EU Declaration will be adopted as EU leaders gather in Rome to “celebrate” the 60th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty. But as the European integration process is experiencing its deepest crisis, yet we should invest into more democracy at the...
Wir brauchen keine Feiertexte!
Am 25. März 2017 verabschiedeten die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs anlässlich des 60. Jahrestags der Römischen Verträge eine weitere EU-Erklärung. Doch die EU braucht mehr Demokratie statt Worte, will sie die großen Krisen meistern. Ein Kommentar von Cora Pfafferott....
Media 'crucial' in creating transparency
Can the traditional media still fulfill their role as watchdog in a direct democracy when social media increasingly set the pace? A panel with four prominent speakers at this year’s Aarau Democracy Days in Switzerland came up with some interesting insights, highlighting the fact...
Alberto Acosta (Photo: Bruno Kaufmann)
“The Government of Ecuador is quite anxious“
On Sunday 19 February 2017, Ecuador’s 12 million eligible people faced a super election day: Beyond electing a new parliament and a new President, they could also decide on a plebiscite that President Rafael Correa had triggered. Up for vote was the question whether elected...
Alberto Acosta (Photo: Bruno Kaufmann)
“Der ecuadorianischen Regierung ist bange“
Das südamerikanische Land Ecuador erlebte am Sonntag, den 19.02.2017, einen Superwahltag. Dabei kam es neben der Neuwahl des Präsidenten und des Parlamentes auch zu einem vom bisherigen Staatschef Rafael Correa ausgelösten Plebiszit. Dabei konnten die gut 16 Millionen...
Romania's Struggle for Democracy
Millions of Romanians have taken to the streets to protest against their government and in favour of strong anti-corruption laws. The demonstrations give insights into the complex democratic challenges, which reach far beyond the southeastern European country, writes Bruno...



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