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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt


Gerhard Schuster
"The 'Credit Initiative' is an answer to our crises"
Gerhard Schuster is one of the key initiators of the "Europe 2019 Credit Initiative", a project currently being formed by people from all across Europe. It aims at granting the right to interest-free credits for enterprises that serve the common good. The "right to credit" is to...
Gerhard Schuster
"Die Geld- und Bankenordnung ist in der Demokratie verankert"
Gerhard Schuster ist einer der Hauptinitiatoren der "Europa 2019 Credit Initiative". Zusammen mit Menschen aus ganz Europa beabsichtigt der Österreicher eine zeitgemäße Banken- und Wirtschaftsordnung auf den Weg zu bringen, die gemeinwohlorientierten Unternehmen das "Recht auf...
Sven Giegold, Member of European Parliament and Cora Pfafferott, representing Democracy International
1695 care about clean politics in Brussels
On 25 August 2015, Democracy International handed over to Sven Giegold, Member of the European Parliament, people’s suggestions for how to end intransparent and unfair lobbying in the EU. 1695 Europeans had expressed their priorities in an online questionnaire that Democracy...
Sven Giegold, Member of European Parliament and Cora Pfafferott, representing Democracy International
1695 Menschen wollen saubere EU-Politik
Am 25. August 2015 übergab Democracy International dem Europaabgeordneten Sven Giegold die Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage, die Democracy International zum Thema EU-Transparenz durchgeführt hatte. Dabei hatten 1695 Menschen aus ganz Europa ihre Vorschläge unterbreitet, wie...
A touchable voting screen for ballot measures in the USA
US California: Initiative fee raises from $200 to $2000
On Monday, 17 August 2015, the Senate of US California voted to increase the fee for filing a citizens’ initiative (‘ballot measure’ in US English) from $200 to $2,000.
Acticists of Democracy International
20.000 people want reform of ECI
Democracy International is proud to announce that on 11 August 2015, the network of democracy activists reached its first target of 20,000 signatures in its campaign to improve the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). By signing the petition, 20,000 people from across the...
No ‘Frack Free Denton’ in Texas
In the US city of Denton the Council has overruled a citizens’ initiative that had led to the banning oil and gas drilling. At a meeting on 4 August 2015, the Councillors decided to pass new rules for hydraulic fractioning (‘fracking’) although a citizens’ initiative (or ‘ballot...
Greek drama shows need for democratic revolution
The popular vote in Greece on the bailout terms on 5 July 2015 demonstrated the incompatibility between national democracies and international economic governance regimes. A reason for Democracy International to demand proper forms of modern direct democracy in both Greece and...
Was werden wir bloß unseren Kindern erzählen?
In Griechenland und in Europa wird gerade Geschichte geschrieben. Die Mächtigen Europas feilschen wie auf einem Viehmarkt hektisch und lautstark über unsere Zukunft.
What will we tell our grandchildren?
At this very moment, history in Europe is being written. The future of the European Union is being haggled and gambled over in a state of panic and helplessness. Democracy International instead calls for a proper debate to lay the foundation for a better, more democratic and...



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