Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Content tagged with "Democracy"

Article photo courtesy of 7c0 (CC BY 2.0)
Clara Egger is a professor of international relations at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, focusing on the role of citizens and their power in contemporary democracy.  In addition to this work, Egger is also leader of the EXCEPTIUS project, which analyses...
Joe Mathews joined Democracy International's board in November 2013. He is a journalist and a profound expert of direct democracy around the world. Joe Mathews lives in South Pasadena, close to Los Angeles, California. I interviewed Joe yesterday after we had held our first...
Im Vorfeld des Wahlmarathons in Rumänien, begrüßte das Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy (Globales Forum für moderne direkte Demokratie) im Mai Expert:innen für direkte und partizipative Demokratie aus der ganzen Welt in Bukarest.
In May, the 2024 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy welcomed direct and participatory democracy specialists from around the world in Bucharest Romania, ahead of the country’s election marathon.
Die Beteiligung junger Menschen an der Demokratie ist entscheidend für eine lebendige, repräsentative und zukunftsorientierte politische Landschaft. Bei den bevorstehenden Europawahlen ist die Beteiligung junger Wähler:innen wichtiger denn je, insbesondere da in mehreren Ländern...
Photo courtesy Democracy International, Democratic Wave campaign
Es muss immer wieder betont werden, wie wichtig es ist die europäische Demokratie widerstandsfähiger, wirkungsvoller und zugänglicher zu machen.  Von Daniela Vancic.
Eine Ausgabe von Democracy Local - einer neuen planetarischen Publikation, die der lokalen Demokratie gewidmet ist.
An issue of Democracy Local - a new planetary publication devoted to local democracy. 
Youth participation in democracy is crucial for ensuring a vibrant, representative, and forward-thinking political landscape. In the upcoming European elections, the involvement of young voters is more important than ever, especially as in several countries voters from the age...
Photo courtesy Democracy International, Democratic Wave campaign
The urgency to make European democracy more resilient, impactful, and accessible cannot be overstated.  Written by Daniela Vancic.



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