the global coalition for democracy

Content tagged with "Transparency"

Don't let Belgrade D(r)own (Courtesy of Ne Davimo Beograd)
L'initiative serbe «Ne laissez pas Belgrade tomber/se noyer» [Don’t let Belgrade d(r)own] (Serbe: Ne Da(vi)mo Beograd (NDB)) change la façon dont les Serbes conçoivent la transparence ainsi que le rôle des citoyens dans les projets de développement urbain. L'initiative a été...
Don't let Belgrade D(r)own (Courtesy of Ne Davimo Beograd)
Die serbische Initiative "Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own" (Serbisch: Ne Da(vi)mo Beograd (NDB)) verändert das serbische Denken über Transparenz und die Rolle von Bürgern und Bürgerinnen in Stadtentwicklungsprojekten. Auslöser der Initiative war 2014 die umstrittene "Belgrader...
Don't let Belgrade D(r)own (Courtesy of Ne Davimo Beograd)
The Serbian initiative “Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own” (Serbian: Ne Da(vi)mo Beograd (NDB)) is changing the way Serbians think about transparency and the role of citizens in urban development projects. The initiative was triggered by the controversial 2014 “Belgrade Waterfront”,...
Democracy International and the Europe-wide network ALTER-EU are currently making use of an EU consultation to demand strict rules to prevent secret lobbying in the EU. Citizens from all across Europe are kindly requested to follow Democracy International's suggestions for a...
On 3rd September 2015, EU politicians, NGOS and practitioners came together in Brussels on the occasion of a conference to discuss how the EU can increase transparent decision-making. Democracy International’s proposals for an EU transparency law found strong resonance. During...
Sven Giegold, Member of European Parliament and Cora Pfafferott, representing Democracy International
Am 25. August 2015 übergab Democracy International dem Europaabgeordneten Sven Giegold die Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage, die Democracy International zum Thema EU-Transparenz durchgeführt hatte. Dabei hatten 1695 Menschen aus ganz Europa ihre Vorschläge unterbreitet, wie...
Sven Giegold, Member of European Parliament and Cora Pfafferott, representing Democracy International
On 25 August 2015, Democracy International handed over to Sven Giegold, Member of the European Parliament, people’s suggestions for how to end intransparent and unfair lobbying in the EU. 1695 Europeans had expressed their priorities in an online questionnaire that Democracy...
Join the get-together of citizens, politicians and experts to discuss best practices of transparent lobbying in the EU. The event will take place in the European Parliament Brussels on 3rd September 2015. Democracy International will use this occasion to steer into the policy...
Over 30,000 lobbyists are said to roam Brussels, meeting unchecked with Members of European Parliament (MEPs) behind closed doors. With no mandatory lobby register in the EU, financial and corporate lobbyists have unregulated access to influence EU decision-makers. For years,...
113 non-governmental organisations and trade unions, including Democracy International, have urged European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans to take strong and urgent action to create a high-quality and legally binding EU lobby transparency register in a...


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