the global coalition for democracy


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The Netherlands: website online, campaign next
Democracy International's Dutch partner organisation Meer Democratie has a new website. At you find all news and campaigns for better rules of (direct) democracy in the Netherlands.
Message pour la Tunisie - رسالة لتونس
منظمة الديمقراطية الدولية تتعاطف مع ضحايا الاعتداء الإرهابي وعائلاتهم الذي جدّ في تونس يوم 18 مارس 2015 و تساند الشعب التونسي الذي يخوض معركة الديمقراطية و حقوق الإنسان و انتخابات حرة و نزيهة ستجدون على اليمين رسالة من المنظمين للمنتدى العالمي للديمقراطية المباشرة الحديثة الذي...
Message to Tunisia - رسالة لتونس
منظمة الديمقراطية الدولية تتعاطف مع ضحايا الاعتداء الإرهابي وعائلاتهم الذي جدّ في تونس يوم 18 مارس 2015 و تساند الشعب التونسي الذي يخوض معركة الديمقراطية و حقوق الإنسان و انتخابات حرة و نزيهة  Democracy International sympathises with the vicitims of the terrorist attacks...
Andreas Mueller and Bruno Kaufmann (right) preparing the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
"Tunisia is a completely new concept for democracy-making"
The devastating terrorist attacks on Tunisia’s National Museum on March 18 have not deterred us from putting on the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy to take place in Tunis from 14 to 17 May 2015. To the contrary, since the attacks, citizens, NGOs, media and governments...
Erwin Mayer (left) campaigning for direct democracy
Making off: Direct Democracy in Austria
On 11 March 2015 civil society activists met with politicians and government representatives in the Austrian parliament to discuss how to improve direct democracy in Austria. The debate was the fourth session of the inquiry commission (“Enquete Kommission”), established with the...
The ECI - a democratic farce?
The European Citizens' Initiative is the world's first transnational tool of participative democracy. But the system needs reform if it is to avoid becoming a farce, argues our European Programme Manager Sophie von Hatzfeldt.
ECI hearing: minor successes and major hurdles
EU decision-makers and stakeholders met for a hearing on 26 February 2015 in the European Parliament to discuss the vital need for reform of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). The ECI was implemented in 2012 and has since then experienced minor successes and major hurdles...
March in Tunis on 14 January 2015 to commemorate Jasmine Revolution
Winning by losing, Tunisia Style
Four years after the Jasmin revolution Tunisia has a new modern constitution, a freely elected parliament and a president – and since a few days  also a new coalition-government. The next step for the “Arab world’s first modern democracy” is to decentralize the state – by active...
I love Bratislava
Referendum in Slovakia victim of turnout quorum
To be valid, 50 per cent of Slovakia’s eligible citizens had to participate in the referendum. Yet only 21.41 per cent of eligible voters (= 944,674 citizens) went to the polling stations On Saturday, 7 February 2015, Slovakia held a referendum on the constitutional definition...
Protests against TTIP in Berlin, Image: Mehr Demokratie e.V.
Wolf in sheep’s clothing - TTIP’s challenge to democracy
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) currently being negotiated between the EU and the US is proclaimed to offer promising prospects for economic growth and employment in Europe, a dire need in a continent challenged by a prolonged economic crisis. Removing...


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