the global coalition for democracy


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Stay up-to-date about the developments of direct democracy in the world.

Arturo Maltonado
The missed opportunity of direct demoracy in Peru
After almost a century of politically and economically turbulent times, Peru has re-established democratic governance since 2001. In the 1980s, the country was dominated by the terror of the' Shining Path'. In the 1990s it suffered from hyperinflation. And while during the...
Political Culture and Active Citizenship Symposium
What drives citizen participation?
For seven years, Dr Klaus Hofmann has been researching legal instruments of direct democracy worldwide for the Navigator for Direct Democracy. Throughout his research, he found that many countries actually have mechanisms...
Crowdsourcing is a step forward in citizen participation
This year's Digital Democracy Day, initiated by ECAS, focused on the question of how crowdsourcing can improve and simplify citizen participation at both local and EU level. By Melissa Ihlow
2018 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
All roads lead to Rome – Join us for the 2018 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
Climate change, inequality, conflict - our challenges today are so great that we cannot pretend to be able solve them on our own, from within our own borders. Our challenges require global action, but as citizens, we build our lives locally, in our own neighbourhoods and...
Lernende Demokratie
What companies can teach democracy
The most successful companies have learned how to continuously adapt to new challenges, if we want to make our societies more resilient, we need to do the same for our democracies. This is the central premise of the Learning Democracy Academy, Democracy International’s new...
Save the Dutch Referendum
Meer Democratie Netherlands to sue Minister over Abolition of the Dutch Referendum
Meer Democratie, our Dutch partner organisation, is starting a legal case against Dutch Minister of Interior Ollongren for her attempts to block a referendum on the imminent abolition of the Consultative Referendum Act. On Thursday, February 1 at 2pm on Thursday, the case will...
Candlelight rally against Park Geun-hye. Foto credit Teddy Cross (CC BY 2.0)
Korea: From Teargas to Candlelight
In 1987, South Korean democratic protests achieved the direct election of the president, opening the door for a just and non-violent political system. In 2017, nationwide demonstrations led to the impeachment of a president who according to many had abused her power for too long...
Protest at Gwanghwamun Gate. Foto credit Jjw (CC BY 2.0)
Democracy’s bright flame in South Korea
The Republic of Korea has gone through turbulent times in the past years, but with the presidency of former democracy activist and human rights lawyer Moon Jae-in hopes for a reinvigorated democracy are stronger than ever. Democracy International founder Daniel Schily spoke to...
2018 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
Join us for the 2018 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
To anyone on earth who is interested in democracy: It’s not every day that you get an invitation to Rome to discuss the democratic future of the world. But today is not every day. So we have the great privilege to invite you to join us in Rome, September 26-29  for the 2018...
ECI Rescue Team
Update on ECI Reform – Headed in the Right Direction
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), the world’s first transnational direct-democratic instrument, is very much in the making. In spring at the annual ECI Day, the European Commission’s First Vice President Frans Timmermans announced a powerful revision process to improve...


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