the global coalition for democracy

Content tagged with "Country in Focus"

In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. This article is dedicated to Taiwan and supports the webinar series ‘...
In der Reihe "Country in Fokus" wirft Democracy International einen genaueren Blick auf die Entwicklung der modernen direkten Demokratie und Bürger:innenbeteiligung weltweit. Dieser Artikel ist Tunesien gewidmet und unterstützt die Webinarreihe...
Photo by Democracy International
Dans la rubrique Pays en bref, Democracy International examine de plus près les avancées de la démocratie directe moderne et de la participation citoyenne dans le monde entier. Cet article est consacré à la Tunisie et soutient la série de webinaires "...
In Country in Focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. This article is dedicated to Tunisia and supports the webinars series...
In der Rubrik "Länder im Fokus" wirft Democracy International einen genaueren Blick auf die Fortschritte der modernen direkten Demokratie und der Bürgerbeteiligung weltweit. Nach einer mehrjährigen Pause begrüßen wir diese Rubrik wieder! In diesem Monat liegt der Schwerpunkt auf...
Dans Country in focus, Democracy International examine de plus près les progrès de la démocratie directe moderne et de la participation citoyenne dans le monde. Après une pause de plusieurs années, nous accueillons à nouveau cette section ! Ce mois-ci, les projecteurs sont...
In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. After a break of several years, we are welcoming this section back! This month, the spotlight is on Ukraine. In the interview,...
Photo courtesy of @Sima Ghaffarzadeh, Pexels from Canva Pro
In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. After a break of several years, we are welcoming this section back! This month, the spotlight is on Ukraine. Written by Anna Proskurina...
Country in Focus Sweden
In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. This month, the spotlight is on Sweden. On 13 September, Sweden marked the National Citizens’ Initiative Day with the release of a...
Country in Focus Hungary
In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. This month, the spotlight is on Hungary. From 19 to 21 May 2017, Democracy International held a 'Happening for our Democratic Culture' in...


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