Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Content tagged with "ECI"

The panel of the first ECI hearing on "Right2Water"
Democracy International, the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) and IRI Europe – all organisations that had worked hard for the inclusion of the ECI into the EU Treaties – positively assess the first public hearing of a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and state that...
Logo by the European Commission of the ECI
The first public hearing of a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) will take place in the European Parliament next Monday, 17 February 2014. On this occasion the ECI “Water is a human right” – the first ECI ever that qualified for submission to the European Commission - will be...
The logo of the ECI "Let me vote"
Until today the more than 500 million citizens of the EU had the chance to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative “Let me vote”. The petition aims at providing EU citizens with the right to also participate at regional and national level in their country of residence. – Right...
Georgeta Ionescu, a long-time environmentalist and political activist, fights against fracking, a new technology to win energy. Ms Inonescu is one of the founding members of the democracy group in Romania founded in July this year. We had the chance to speak to Georgeta Inonescu...
Today on 9th September the campaigners of the European Citizens’ Initiative “Water is a Human Right” start handing over the collected signatures to the competent authorities in the EU Member States, which now need to certify the signatures. Overall, about 1,9 million citizens...
In Greece many people search for alternative ways to organise their society. At an event in Athens on July 8 they discussed their ideas about the necessary changes of the political system. Among the visitors were Greek activists fighting against the privatisation of water supply...
Democracy International supports the European Citizens’ Initiative “Let me vote!” and therefore calls upon every EU citizen to sign the initiative. Like Democracy International, Let me vote! pursues the goal of accomplishing democracy in the EU by removing the democratic deficit...
More than seven countries reach necessary quorum - Yesterday, the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Water is a human right" jumped over the last hurdle to qualify for the European Commission as a law proposal.  
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) gives citizens the right to directly engage in setting the legislative agenda for the EU. Once signatures supporting a policy proposal have been collected and verified from at least one million EU citizens, the European Commission is...
The European Commission has offered organisers of European citizens' initiatives (ECIs) to host their online collection systems of signatures on its own servers and to extend the one-year deadline for the collection of signatures.  



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