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Content tagged with "ECI"

Am 16. Juni 2015 veranstaltete der Europäische Rat zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte eine Konferenz über die Europäische Bürgerinitiative und partizipative Demokratie im Allgemeinen. So versammelten sich im Ratsgebäude in Brüssel einige Hundert Vertreter der EU-Mitgliedsländer...
The panel of the ECI Conference in Brussels on 10 December 2014
“The European Citizens’ Initiative and the Promise of Participatory Democracy” will be the subject of a half-day conference to take place in Brussels (Belgium) on 16 June 2015. The aim of the event is to clarify both the ECI’s potential and its challenges, as well as identify...
Woman demonstrating in Sweden. Image by Michael Erhardsson, all rights reserved (c)
Since the launch of Democracy International’s campaign “Make your voice heard in Europe”, almost 20,000 people from right across Europe have signed the petition. The petition calls on Brussels’ politicians to bring real democracy to Europe, starting with an improvement of...
Raised hands in support for the ECI
Die Europäische Bürgerinitiative (EBI) ist ein einzigartiges Instrument der transnationalen direkten und partizipativen Demokratie. Es ermöglicht Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, EU-Gesetzesvorschläge zu initiieren. Wenn innerhalb von zwölf Monaten eine Millionen Unterschriften aus...
The European Citizens' Initiative is the world's first transnational tool of participative democracy. But the system needs reform if it is to avoid becoming a farce, argues our European Programme Manager Sophie von Hatzfeldt.
Logo by the European Commission of the ECI
On 3rd March 2015 the European Commission officially received 1.173.130 validated signatures of the European Citizens' Initiative “Stop Vivisection”. The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) that aims at phasing out animal experiments is the third citizens’ law proposal submitted...
Raised hands in support for the ECI
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a unique tool of transnational democracy that gives citizens the right to directly participate in setting the legislative agenda of the EU. By collecting one million signatures from at least seven EU Member States, citizens can invite ...
The "ECI Day" is an event that annually brings together civil society activists, politicians and civil servants to discuss the issues and flaws around the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI). This year's "ECI Day" will take place in Brussels on 13 April 2015.
The panel of the ECI Conference in Brussels on 10 December 2014
The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is a phenomenal tool of transnational direct democracy, allowing citizens to directly influence agenda-setting in the EU. It is the voice of civil society in Europe, and has been used to launch political debate on a great diversity of...
Protests against TTIP in Berlin, Image: Mehr Demokratie e.V.
Über fünfzig Mal haben sich Europas Bürgerinnen und Bürger in den vergangenen Jahren über ein neues Volksrecht in den Brüsseler Politbetrieb eingeschaltet. Doch nun sorgt eine neue Europäische Bürgerinitiative mit über einer Million Unterschriften gegen das Freihandelsabkommen...



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