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Ein Service für Journalisten und Interessierte.
“The 1.5° target is a top priority” - German Climate Assembly presents recommendations
Climate Assembly presents results together with former Federal President and participants.
The Conference on the Future of Europe launched, but must keep promise of citizens' focus
The long-awaited Conference on the Future of Europe officially launched in Strasbourg on Sunday, 9th May 2021. The EU institutions have promised citizens and civil society a Conference that will be an innovative and...
Internationaler Tag des Multilateralismus: Gruppen der Zivilgesellschaft fordern eine demokratischere UNO
Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages des Multilateralismus und der Diplomatie für den Frieden am 24. April fordert eine Gruppe von über 80 Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft eine integrativere und demokratischere UNO...
International Day of Multilateralism: civil society groups call for a more democratic UN
On the occasion of the International Day for Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace on 24 April, a group of over 80 civil society organisations calls for a more inclusive and democratic UN. Organisations such as Avaaz...
Citizens' Assembly hands over results to Schäuble and the Bundestag
Mehr Demokratie – Democracy International
Media release
15.03.2021 The handover event will be livestreamed in its entirety - Media places on site are limited
Media release
15.03.2021 The handover event will be livestreamed in its entirety - Media places on site are limited
Webinar: Germany's role and Europe's contribution: How foreign policy can be discussed with citizens
Online discussion on 16 March 2021, 4:30 to 5:45 PM CET.
To participate in the webinar you must register in advance:
Webinar: Deutschlands Rolle und Europas Beitrag: Wie Außenpolitik mit Bürger:innen diskutiert werden kann
Online-Diskussion am 16. März 2021 um 16:30 Uhr bis 17:45 Uhr
Für die Teilnahme am Webinar müssen Sie sich im Vorfeld registrieren:...
The world will not be able to recover from the pandemic until democracy is recovering
2020 was not only bad year for health, education and the economy in the world, but also for democracy and our freedoms. With three key reports on the “Global State of Democracy” published, the message is clear: people...
Conference on the Future of Europe needs to do more to offer citizens new opportunities
Democracy International sees the newly published Joint Declaration on the Conference on the...
Lack of action on fifth-successful European citizens’ initiative, Minority Safepack, would be a letdown for European democracy
On 15 January 2021 the European Commission stated that no legislative action will be taken on the European citizens’ initiative (ECI), Minority Safepack, the fifth initiative to successfully submit the required one...