Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Please donate for more democracy in Europe

Woman demonstrating in Sweden. Image by Michael Erhardsson, all rights reserved (c)

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Thank you for making a donation! Together we can demand the Members of the European Parliament to stand up for the European Citizens' Initiative.

The European Citizens’ Initiative gives people a democratic voice. But EU bureaucracy does not let it work. On 28 October Members of the European Parliament will vote on the future of the Citizens' Initiative. We now have the chance to call for an improvement – let’s use this window of opportunity! 

To finance our work and to maintain financially independent, we still rely on your help. Any donation will enable us to support and strengthen direct democracy and citizens' participation worldwide.   

To donate please choose one of these four possibilities:

via bank transfer

via SEPA direct debit

via PayPal

PayPal Logo

via credit card



Or do you want to support our work continuously? Then become a member of Democracy International! 

Thank you very much!


Democracy International ist ein eingetragener Verein (e.V.) mit Sitz in Deutschland

Gürzenichstraße 21 a-c
50667 Köln
Tel: +49 (0) 221 669 66 50
Fax: +49 (0) 221 669 66 599
Email: contact@democracy-international.org

Amtsgericht Köln
VR-Nr. 17139

Zum vollständigen Impressum


Democracy International e.V.
IBAN: DE 58370205000001515101

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Konto: 1515101
BLZ: 37020500


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