Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Content tagged with "Board"

L'Assemblée générale de Democracy International s'est tenue le 29 septembre 2018 dans le contexte du Forum mondial sur la démocratie moderne à Rome, en Italie. L'assemblée s'est déroulée dans le cadre historique du Palais Sénatorial sur la place du Campidoglio qui abrite aujourd...
Die Generalversammlung von Democracy International fand am 29. September 2018 im Anschluss an das Global Forum on Modern Democracy in Rom, Italien, statt. Die Versammlung tagte im historischen Ambiente des Palazzo Senatorio an der Piazza del Campidoglio, in dem sich heute die...
Democracy International’s General Assembly was held on 29 September 2018 in the wake of the Global Forum on Modern Democracy in Rome, Italy. The assembly took place in the historic setting of  Palazzo Senatorio at Piazza del Campidoglio which today houses the municipal...
The general assembly took place in the auditorium of INAT, Carthage University
On the occasion of the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy held in Tunis from 14 to 17 May 2015, Democracy International held a general assembly on 16 May 2015. The event was the fourth general assembly in the history of Democracy International as a registered assocation....
Prof. Jung-OK Lee
What is our motivation? In this series of interviews, our board members present their ideas of direct democracy and the development of Europe's democratization process. They also talk about the key moment that triggered their activism. This is the eighth interview of our series...
Daniel Schily
What is our motivation? In this series of interviews, our board members present their ideas of direct democracy and the development of Europe's democratization process. They also talk about the key moment that triggered their activism. This is the seventh interview of our series...
Our board member Suresh Nautiyal from New Dehli, India. He is a senior journalist, campaigner and human rights activist. What is our motivation? In this series of interviews, our board members present their ideas of direct democracy and the development of Europe's...
Interview with Erwin Mayer, Board Member of Democracy International
Erwin Mayer from Austria responds to our questions in our weekly series of interviews with the board. What is our motivation? In this series of interviews, our board members present their ideas of direct democracy and the development of Europe's democratization process. They...
Rafael Pineiro, Board Member of Democracy International
In this interview we question our board member Rafael Piñeiro, Professor for Political Science at the Catholic University of Uruguay in Montevideo, Uruguay and President of the Uruguayan Association of Political Scientists. What is our motivation? In this series of interviews,...
Bruno Kaufmann
What is our motivation? Our board members present their ideas of direct democracy and the development of Europe's democratization process. They also talk about the key moment that triggered their activism. This is the second interview of our series. We talked with Bruno Kaufmann...



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