Content tagged with "Germany"
While timely and necessary, the measures to halt the spread of COVID-19 have had an enormous impact not only on our daily lives, but also on our democracies. In this series, we try to asses how democratic practice has been affected and how we can make our future democracies more...
30 years ago, citizen-led movements across Germany brought about a change that up until then had been considered unthinkable. Monday protests in Leipzig spilled over to the whole of East Germany and eventually brought about in the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of...
Over the past months, our partner organisation Mehr Demokratie has organised citizens' councils on the topic of democracy all over Germany. On 15 November 2019, the Day for Democracy, they will present the results of this nation-wide...
The first Summer Academy for Democracy Development took place from 23 to 25 August 2019. It was organized by the Academy for a Learning Democracy (a project of Democracy International), the Global Ethic Institute of the University...
Vom 23. bis 25. August 2019 fand die erste Sommerakademie für Demokratieentwicklung statt. Ausgerichtet wurde diese von der Akademie für Lernende Demokratie (einem Projekt von Democracy International), dem Weltethos-Institut der...
On May 5 it finally happened: the first event of the NRW tour of the European Public Sphere took place in Bonn. This time the wooden dome was set up on the Münsterplatz in Bonn's city centre, where a major sporting event in bright sunshine and summery temperatures was taking...
Am 05.05.2018 war es endlich soweit: In Bonn fand die erste Veranstaltung der NRW-Tour von European Public Sphere statt. Bei strahlenden Sonnenschein und sommerlichen Temperaturen wurde die Holzkuppel diesmal auf dem Münsterplatz in der Bonner Innenstadt am Rande einer größeren...
The use of direct democratic instruments in international comparison. With examples from Ecuador, Germany, Hungary, Peru, Slovakia, Switzerland and Uruguay, this symposium aims to create a comparative inventory of the cultures of active citizen participation.
Demokratie galore – Demokratie in der Welt und ihre Herausforderungen. 51 Jugendliche aus Polen und Deutschland setzen sich mit den Herausforderungen unserer Demokratie auseinander. Schnell zeigt sich: Politische Bildung ist von besonderer Relevanz, wenn es um Erhalt und...
The rightwing AfD party has made it into the German Bundestag. What's up with democracy in Germany? Are the Germans not ready for direct democracy? And wouldn't nationwide referendums be dangerous in view of this election result? We asked the Swiss political scientist Andreas...
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