Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Global Assembly

2021, Democracy International together with Mehr Demokratie NRW joined an alliance of organisations working on the Global Assembly, the world’s first global citizens’ assembly. The Assembly has seen 100 randomly selected citizens from all over the planet learn about climate change and formulate guidelines for policy.

The participants were selected in a stratified sample that ensures that the Assembly as a whole is representative of the global population when it comes to location, age, gender, education, literacy and opinions towards climate change. Sixty of the 100 people are from Asia, 17 from Africa, half are women and 70 are people who earn ten USD a day or less. To enable participation, all members receive financial compensation.

The overall Global Assembly process is headed by a coalition of organisations, including the Innovation for Policy Foundation, the University of Canberra and the Sortition Foundation. Democracy International has joined on as the German Community Host, meaning that we recruited the German participant and supported her technically and linguistically as she participated in the online discussion rounds.

The citizens met from October until December and presented their preliminary recommendations at COP26 in Glasgow. Their final report will be published in March 2022.

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held this year in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November. During it, different...
Democracy International & Mehr Demokratie NRW host the German member of the Global Assembly. The Assembly is a worldwide gathering of 100...
The Global Citizens’ Assembly has voted that the crime of Ecocide should be enshrined in international and national laws, and that it should be...


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