the global coalition for democracy

Content tagged with "ECI Reform"

On Wednesday 6 April 2016, the organisations Democracy International, The ECI Campaign and Mehr Demokratie e.V. launched a petition to protest against the European Commission’s unwillingness to reform the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). In October 2015 the alliance of...
The campaigners meet with MEPs in Strasbourg on 28 October
In February 2016 the European Commission declared it would not improve the legislation of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). This refusal occurred in spite of demands by the European Parliament and by thousands of people from all across Europe to reform the instrument of...
The constitutional committee voting on ECI reform proposals on 28 September 2015
Am 28. Oktober 2015 stimmte das Europäische Parlament mit eindeutiger Mehrheit für die Resolution der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative (EBI). Die folgende Tabelle bietet eine Übersicht über jede einzelne Forderung, die Eingang in die Resolution gefunden hat. Sie zeigt auf, welche...
The constitutional committee voting on ECI reform proposals on 28 September 2015
On 28 October 2015 the European Parliament (EP) voted with an overwhelming majority in favour of the Resolution on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). The following table lists each demand included in the Resolution and indicates what action would be needed – and whether a...
The campaigners meet with MEPs in Strasbourg on 28 October
On 28 October 2015 the European Parliament adopted a report calling for an urgent improvement of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and determining how it should be regulated in the future. The report contains many reforms that Democracy International tirelessly had...
In seinem heute verabschiedeten Bericht zur Europäischen Bürgerinitiative (EBI) hat das Europäische Parlament etliche Reformvorschläge der Organisationen Democracy International, Mehr Demokratie und WeMove.EU einfließen lassen. Ein wesentliches Problem bleibt aus Sicht der...
The constitutional committee voting on ECI reform proposals on 28 September 2015
On Monday, 28 September 2015, Europe came one small step closer to its citizens. The European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) collectively agreed on proposals for improving the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) and called on the European Commission to...
The constitutional committee voting on ECI reform proposals on 28 September 2015
On 28 September 2015, the Constitutional Committee (AFCO) of the European Parliament agreed on proposals to reform the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). This is the instrument that allows EU citizens to directly propose EU law to the European Commission.
The constitutional committee of the European Parliament (AFCO) has scheduled a decisive vote on the European Citizens' Initiative for Monday, 28 September 2015. In this session, the 49 members of this committee will vote on reform proposals (“amendments”) that will be passed to...
Am 16. Juni 2015 veranstaltete der Europäische Rat zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte eine Konferenz über die Europäische Bürgerinitiative und partizipative Demokratie im Allgemeinen. So versammelten sich im Ratsgebäude in Brüssel einige Hundert Vertreter der EU-Mitgliedsländer...


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