the global coalition for democracy

Content tagged with "Direct Democracy"

Seitdem Bulgarien im Januar 2018 die rotierende Präsidentschaft des Rates der Europäischen Union übernommen hat, ist das Land zu einem stark frequentierten Ziel für EU-Beamte und ausländische Besucher geworden. Bei der Ankunft in der Hauptstadt Sofia kann ein ausländischer...
On 25 May, the people of the Republic of Ireland voted overwhelmingly to repeal the 8th amendment of the constitution, which effectively prohibits abortion under any circumstances. The vote was hailed as a tectonic shift in Irish culture and celebrated as a victory of citizen...
Bulgaria has become a highly frequented destination for EU officials and foreign visitors at large since the country took up the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union in January 2018. On arrival in the capital city of Sofia, these days a foreign visitor may...
Arturo Maltonado
Après près d'un siècle de turbulences politiques et économiques, le Pérou a rétabli la gouvernance démocratique depuis 2001. Dans les années 1980, le pays était menacé par la terreur du "Sentier lumineux". Dans les années 1990, le Pérou a souffert d'hyperinflation. Et alors que...
Political Culture and Active Citizenship Symposium
For seven years, Dr Klaus Hofmann has been researching legal instruments of direct democracy worldwide for the Navigator for Direct Democracy. Throughout his research, he found that many countries actually have mechanisms...
Arturo Maltonado
After almost a century of politically and economically turbulent times, Peru has re-established democratic governance since 2001. In the 1980s, the country was dominated by the terror of the' Shining Path'. In the 1990s it suffered from hyperinflation. And while during the...
Bild der Kampagne 'Red het Referendum' von Meer Democratie
Unsere Partner von Meer Democratie in den Niederlanden informierten heute den Senat per Brief über die rechtlichen Folgen der Vorladung des Staates. Wenn der Richter nur eine der drei Forderungen von Meer Democratie anweist, steht fest...


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