the global coalition for democracy

September 2014: Summer Academy in Wittenberg

Summer Academy by Democracy International in Burgas, Bulgaria, in 2012

September 2014: Summer Academy in Wittenberg

Democracy International will hold a summer academy in Wittenberg, Germany, from 8 to 12 September 2014. Goal of the five-day-event is to develop with democracy activists strategies on effectively building democracy organisations.

If we want to transform our societies and the EU into a more democratic state, we democracy activists need to work professionally. Doing so, we must not copy the business world. Instead, we need to empower and develop ourselves to form a genuine democracy organisation. So what is our way of running successfully, as for example a referendum or lobbying campaign, fundraising money or setting up an office and activating volunteers? With the aim of developing these skills and tools for democracy activists, this academy is organized by Democracy International.

Place: Wittenberg, Germany (Check the place on Google maps here)

Venue: Evangelische Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Date: 8 - 12 September 2014

Website Info

Democracy International is a registered association in Germany
(eingetragener Verein e.V.).

Gürzenichstraße 21 a-c
50667 Cologne
Phone: +49 (0) 221 669 66 50
Fax: +49 (0) 221 669 665 99

Amtsgericht Köln
VR-Nr. 17139

Full website information here

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Democracy International e.V.
IBAN: DE 58370205000001515101

Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Konto: 1515101
BLZ: 37020500


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