Permanent Citizens’ Assemblies
A permanent, representative European Citizens' Assembly should be established as a forum for deliberation and citizens' participation. It should meet to deliberate on varoius topics, with the option to follow the assembly with a binding EU-wide referendum.
Empower Civil Society Organisations:
CSOs work as a medium to raise awareness to citizens of the existing participatory tools, to represent citizens' interests, as well as work with under-represented groups. Dialgoue between CSOs and institutions, at all levels, is necessary to building a flourishing European democracy.
Expand Voting Rights for Europeans
European citizens living in another EU member state should be able to vote for elections in the member state in which they live. The current system does not allow this, pushing out millions of taxpaying EU citizens from being able to particpate in national elections of their place of residence.
Credits image: Mehr Demokratie, CC BY-SA 2.0,