the global coalition for democracy


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What is the state of democracy in Tunisia, the birth place of the Arab Spring, ten years on? We spoke to Tunisia's first democratic president, Dr....
The twins Sana and Lamia
A revolution, a deposed despot, a fifth anniversary, twins, four agile thumbs, eight languages. These are the ingredients of the following story...
Tunisia politics
In North Africa’s new and struggling democracy, EU membership could make all the difference, suggests Daniel Schily, board member of Democracy...
Participants of the Global Forum 2015
More than 400 people from all over the world participated in the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy that took place from 14 to 17 May 2015 in...
Ghofran Ounissi
26-year-old Ghofran Ounissi is one of the participants of the Global Forum. Born in Tunisia, she grew up in Paris from the age of three years onwards...
منظمة الديمقراطية الدولية تتعاطف مع ضحايا الاعتداء الإرهابي وعائلاتهم الذي جدّ في تونس يوم 18 مارس 2015 و تساند الشعب التونسي الذي يخوض معركة...
Andreas Mueller and Bruno Kaufmann (right) preparing the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy
The devastating terrorist attacks on Tunisia’s National Museum on March 18 have not deterred us from putting on the Global Forum on Modern Direct...
March in Tunis on 14 January 2015 to commemorate Jasmine Revolution
Four years after the Jasmin revolution Tunisia has a new modern constitution, a freely elected parliament and a president – and since a few days ...
Bardo Palace, Tunisian Chamber of Deputies, Photo: Wikipedia
On 26 January 2014, the Constitutional Assembly of Tunisia adopted a new Constitution in the heartland of the “Arab Spring”: An overwhelming majority...

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