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European Voting

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European Voting

Fair, democratic and common European voting is a core part of Democracy International's mission and a central theme of Democracy International's activities.

The rules for the elections of Members of the European Parliament are different from each other in every EU member state, which is why the European Parliament seems more like a chamber composed of many small national parliaments than a true representative body.


This situation could be fixed by conducting European elections with a common voting system based on proportional representation. There should be equitable rules for the registration of candidates and parties, common passive and active voting rights, and there should be no financial barriers or election thresholds restricting participation.

Democracy International has allied with THE EUROCITIZENS to realise more successful European elections in 2014. These are the four key demands of the Manifesto of THE EUROCITIZENS:

- Elections must be held on the same two days in all EU countries,
- Candidates must show the European party endorsing them on election documents Public before and during the election campaign,
- Each party must designate a candidate for the office of EU Commission President,
- Voters must be offered two ballots, on for the candidates of national parties, and the other for a list of candidates from all over Europe.

In 2012 Democracy International campaigned and gathered along with 2100 supporters for better voting rights with transnational elements in the context of discussions over the Duff report in the European Parliament. The report included a proposal to elect some members of the Parliament via a transnational list.

Image source: Stephanie Bröge / :


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