the global coalition for democracy


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Newspapers from the UK


Democracy International publishes reports to monitor referenda. We also issue papers to present our position on actual (direct) democracy issues around the globe and to highlight findings from our projects and activities.

On this site you can find our most recent publications in chronological order. You already know what you are looking for? 



Booklet on the World Citizens Initiative


It is possible to sort by type: monitoring reports, position papers, charts and hard cover books. 

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Position Paper
Direct Political Participation in the Republic of Ireland: Citizen-initiated referendums on the horizon?

Direct democracy has emerged in discussions on political and institutional reform in Ireland. Donal O'Brolchain looked back into the history of the Irish constitution and makes a case for introducing the citizens' initiative.

Position Paper
Liquid Democracy versus Direct Democracy through Initiative and Referendum: Which is best?

In his article, Nijeboer argues that the attractive features of Liquid Democracy (LD) are already incorporated in modern direct democracy systems in the form of initiative and referendum but LD has also some clear weaknesses.


Position Paper
The European Citizens Initiative Briefing

This briefing contains 2 essays. The first one focus on the progress made by the ECI. The second one feautures the initiative "Right2Water", the first ECI that gathered the one million required signatures.

Position Paper
From the Crisis to Direct Democracy? The case of Iceland

After the big financial crisis, Iceland has the potential to reinvent itself. A total revision of the national constitution has been launched and a first draft presented in July 2011. All these elements were good reasons to visit Iceland.

Position Paper
Direct Democracy in Greece & the 2011 Referendum

In this paper Antonios Bouchagiar and Mihalis Gousgounis, both lawyers register in Brussels, describe from a historical and legal perspective the forms of direct democracy which have been limited to national referenda in Greece.


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