the global coalition for democracy

EU-Parlament denkt über EU-Konvent nach

EU-Parlament denkt über EU-Konvent nach


Am 17. Januar wählte das EU-Parlament Antonio Tajani zum neuen Präsidenten. Im Kontext dieser Wahlen beschlossen Christdemokraten und Liberale, eine Phase der Reflektion über die Zukunft Europas zu eröffnen. Dabei könnte ein neuer Europäischer Konvent einberufen werden, der einen neuen EU-Vertrag ausarbeiten soll.

Democracy International fordert, dass dieser Konvent offen, transparent und demokratisch sein muss. Unterschreiben Sie unseren offenen Brief an das Europäische Parlament!


Democracy International welcomes the decision by the political groups to convoke a European Convention but stresses that this assembly must include citizens and civil society in its deliberations.

A constitutional assembly of politicians, citizens and civil society and a debate on the future of Europe have been a long-time demand of Democracy International in order to make the EU fully transparent and democratic.

In 2014, as part of Democracy International’s campaign “Democratic Europe Now”, 115 Members of European Parliament supported Democracy International’s demands and pledged for an EU convention that is transparent, democratic and inclusive.

March for a Democratic Europe Now in Bratislava at EU Summit

For Democracy International, the upcoming 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty on 25 March 2017, is the occasion for the European Parliament to start a broad constitutional process on the future of the EU.

In particular, the European Parliament

  • should launch a two-year deliberation process, in which proposals for a more social and democratic EU constitution will be developed, based on discussions with citizens, civil society, representatives of local and regional communities, and national and European parliamentarians and
  • use its right according to Article 48 of the Lisbon Treaty to ask for the convocation of a Convention based on these elaborated proposal
  • Then, the Convention should meet from 2019 on. At the end, the constitution should be presented to all European citizens for a vote. This pan-European referendum, held on a single day in each member state, shall be counted with a double majority (55% majority of the member states and 65% majority of European citizens).

Democracy International calls upon its supporters to sign the open letter to put pressure on these demands. Sign here!


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