La coalition mondiale pour la démocratie


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Soyez toujours au courant de l'évolution de la démocratie directe dans le monde.

Video: Direct Democracy in California
At the founding conference of Democracy International, Joe Mathews (New America Foundation) talked about direct democracy in California and explained what one can learn from California's experience.
Video: The Big World of Direct Democracy
At the founding meeting of Democracy International, Bruno Kaufmann (IRI Europe) talked about the 'global war' for direct democracy, using examples from Belarus, Greenland and Iceland.    
Founding conference: Dinner speech by Terry Reintke
At the founding conference of Democracy International, Terry Reintke, spokesperson of FYEG (Federation of Young European Greens), shared her ideas on democracy and citizens' engagement.
Take the Square!
People from all over the world joined the founding conference of Democracy International. Among them were four Spanish protesters, sharing their journey with us. We have talked to Tatiana de la O and Daniel Edom about their experience.
Deepening Roots, Reaching Out
Brussels, 29-30 June 2011: On June 30 the founding meeting of Democracy International took place. Around 70 people from all over the world decided the statues and voted the first permanent executive board.
Direct Democracy in California
It’s all about the money!? South Dakota 1897, Oregon 1902, California 1911, Arizona 1912 - direct democracy has a long history in some of the American states, and it’s actively used. To date, citizens’ initiatives have led to around 350 referendums each in California and Oregon...
From the Arab Spring to a European Summer
Political protests and riots are extensively shaping the current political landscape. In the beginning the focus rested on the Arab world; now demonstrations are taking place within Europe. Mehr Demokratie observes the incidents with great interest. Armin Steuernagel, member of...
Politics originate from the people
Since the 15th of May, demonstrations are a familiar picture in the Spanish everyday life. (The German organization) Mehr Demokratie talked about the Spanish protests to Manuel Marín-Ramos, a participant of the group ‘Democracia Real YA! Berlin’.  
German Government Oversleeps the Electoral Law Reform
In a 2008 verdict, the Constitutional Court judges the current German voting law to be unconstitutional and demands a reform until June, 30th 2011. Although the deadline is quickly approaching, the governing parties CDU/CSU and FDP are yet failing to meet the ruling.
Democracy in Africa: The Kenyan constitutional referendum
Alan Masakhalia Wanga analyses the referendum, which was organised in Kenya last year. We are proud to publish this report about democracy in Africa.



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