La coalition mondiale pour la démocratie

1695 Menschen wollen saubere EU-Politik

Sven Giegold, Member of European Parliament and Cora Pfafferott, representing Democracy International

1695 Menschen wollen saubere EU-Politik


Am 25. August 2015 übergab Democracy International dem Europaabgeordneten Sven Giegold die Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage, die Democracy International zum Thema EU-Transparenz durchgeführt hatte. Dabei hatten 1695 Menschen aus ganz Europa ihre Vorschläge unterbreitet, wie Korruption und intransparenter Lobbyismus in Brüssel beendet werden sollen. 1392 von ihnen schenkten der Forderung meiste Bedeutung, das EU-Trialogverfahren, also das Verhandeln von EU-Gesetzen im Schnellverfahren, zur absoluten Ausnahme zu machen, wenn nicht sogar abzuschaffen.

Als Berichterstatter arbeitet Sven Giegold zur Zeit an einem Gesetzesentwurf des Europaparlaments, der zu mehr Transparenz bei EU-Entscheidungen führen soll. Bei der Übergabe kündete der Europaabgeordnete an, alle Vorschläge - 662 Menschen äußerten bei der Umfrage frei ihre Ideen - genau zur Kenntnis zu nehmen nd die Ergebnisse in den Entwurf einfließen zu lassen. Giegold wird diesen Bericht am 3. September bei einer Konferenz der Grünen in Brüssel zum ersten Mal vorstellen.

Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung des englischen Artikels, den Sie auf der rechten Seite lesen können. Die genauen Ergebnisse der Analyse finden Sie  hier.

According to the polling, respondents gave highest priority to ruling out the so-called “Trialogue” talks by which 90 per cent of all EU decisions are made in an informal fast-track-mode behind closed door. The demand that membership of expert groups and advisory groups of the Commission must have full transparency to prevent privileged access followed this proposal. Thirdly, corrupt organisations and companies should be excluded from EU tendering procedures and the EU Commission should better communicate with national authorities to identify black-listed companies.

Interview with Sven Giegold

Receiving the results by Democracy International, Sven Giegold, who has committed his political work to fighting unfair and undemocratic influence of banks and corporations, announced "I will read all suggestions carefully and integrate the most pertinent proposals in my draft report. I am delighted about the great interest by citizens in the matter and the work of Democracy International".

Towards a new EU Transparency Law

Every day 30,000 lobbyists try to influence 750 parliamentarians, 28 commissioners and their staff in Brussels. Corporations are spending billions on their public relations and lobby activities to manipulate EU laws and policies. The public  corruption report of 2014 finds that the European Union loses about 120 billion Euros per year due to corruption.

To tackle these issues EU Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker had promised to draft new EU legislation to effectively control lobbying once being in power.   

In this context, the European Parliament is currently preparing draft legislation (or “report”) to be proposed to the European Commission and the EU Council. Sven Giegold was appointed “rapporteur”, which means he is in charge of coordinating all opinions and positions by the political groups in the European Parliament. With the aim of drafting the report in an open and inclusive way, Giegold collaborated with Democracy International to learn about European citizens’ ideas and concerns.

Here you find the analysis of the questionnaire.

Democracy International cordially thanks everybody who participated and helped to campaign  with a financial contribution for clean politics in Europe.

Artikel von Cora Pfafferott


On 3rd September 2015, EU politicians, NGOS and practitioners came together in Brussels on the occasion of a conference to discuss how the EU can...
Over 30,000 lobbyists are said to roam Brussels, meeting unchecked with Members of European Parliament (MEPs) behind closed doors. With no mandatory...


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