La coalition mondiale pour la démocratie


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Soyez toujours au courant de l'évolution de la démocratie directe dans le monde.

The 2019 Grand Débat National in France: A Participatory Experiment with Limited Legitimacy
Everyone remembers the Yellow Vests movement. Few remember the Grand Débat National. Yet, together they make up this singular political moment, between October 2018 and March 2019, France went through. If holding citizens’ consultations is by no means novel, what made the French...
Covid-19: Democracy International office closed
In accordance with federal and regional recommended measures to slow down the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the Democracy International office has currently adopted limited opening hours, with our team members working from home on most days. Please excuse any dificulties in...
Unlikely allies: how the ever-divided French Left and Right triggered a minority referendum to halt Macron’s privatization plans
In April last year, civil demands to stop the privatization of one of France’s public ‘’crown jewels’’, the Groupe ADP, ex-Aéroports de Paris were recognized in the political arena by a broad array of political parties. By triggering a minority referendum procedure, the called ‘...
Des alliés improbables : comment la gauche et la droite françaises ont déclenché un référendum minoritaire pour arrêter les plans de privatisation de Macron
En avril de l'année dernière, les revendications des pour arrêter la privatisation d'un des bijoux de la couronne française, le Groupe ADP, ex-Aéroports de Paris, ont été reconnues dans l'arène politique par un large éventail de partis politiques. En déclenchant une...
Our European Public Sphere in Vienna
Behind citizen’s powerlessness: nostalgia, resentment and hope
With our eyes now turning towards Brussels and the upcoming launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe, attention and excitement are high. But so is the feeling of being powerless to influence EU politics among European citizens. From the perspective of EU democratic...
Our European Public Sphere in Vienna
Dans l’ombre du sentiment d’impuissance: la nostalgie, le ressentiment et l’espoir des Européens
A l’heure où les regards se tournent vers Bruxelles et l’officialisation prochaine d’une vaste Conférence sur le Future de l’Europe, l’attente et l’excitation sont d’autant plus grands que le sentiment d’impuissance des citoyens européens à peser sur la politique européenne...
The new ECI is here - join us in Brussels
It’s 2020 – which means the European Citizens’ Initiative 2.0 is here! On January 1, the new rules of the tool went into effect, making the world’s only tool of transnational participatory democracy more user-friendly and effective. Two events dedicated to the ECI are kicking-...
The ruins of the Panguna mine (Photo courtesy of Madlemurs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Inching towards Independence: a bumpy road ahead for Bougainville
In last November’s referendum, with a turnout of 87,4 per cent, a staggering 97,7 per cent of Bougainvillean voters opted for independence. The small island in the Pacific Sea is part of the state of Papua New Guinea (PNG), but already enjoys a special autonomous status. However...
The ruins of the Panguna mine (Photo courtesy of Madlemurs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Vers l'indépendance : une route difficile pour Bougainville
Lors du référendum de novembre dernier, avec un taux de participation de 87,4 %, le pourcentage d'électeurs bougainvilliens ayant opté pour l'indépendance atteint le chiffre convaincant de 97,7 %. La petite île de la mer Pacifique fait partie de l'État de Papouasie-Nouvelle-...
Constitution building in Chile: a long way to go
Since October, Chile has seen tremendous social uprising across the country. What started as a protest about rising fares for the subway quickly grew into a broader protest about inequality and political exclusion. The situation even led into a 10-day long state of emergency,...



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