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World’s first Global Citizens’ Assembly calls for ecocide to be enforced

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World’s first Global Citizens’ Assembly calls for ecocide to be enforced


The Global Citizens’ Assembly has voted that the crime of Ecocide should be enshrined in international and national laws, and that it should be firmly enforced. The Global Assembly’s declaration, which is being presented to world leaders at the COP26 Climate Conference, says Ecocide should be “firmly enforced alongside existing environmental protection laws.” Democracy International & Mehr Demokratie NRW host the German member of the Global Assembly.

The assembly defines Ecocide as: “Unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.” It could possibly make some governments,  corporations and individuals guilty of an international crime.

The Global Assembly is supported by UN Secretary General António Guterres and COP26 President Alok Sharma MP. It is a new piece of infrastructure, which ensures everyday people have a seat at the global governance table. The Global Assembly consists of a Core Assembly and Community Assemblies.The Core Assembly is 100 citizens who are an accurate snapshot of the world's population by gender, age, geography, education and attitude to climate change, selected by a global lottery based on Nasa population data, meaning that anyone on earth could be chosen. Anyone in the world, can participate through running or attending a Community Assembly. All participants are supported by world class experts to understand the climate and ecological crisis.

The Global Assembly resolved to endorse the Paris agreement, which aims to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. The assembly resolved that: “The [Paris] Agreement has to be strictly enforced and monitored by the United Nations, in collaboration with the relevant actors at all levels of governance.”

But the assembly says mitigation should be equitable. “Developed countries should assist developing countries in building up autonomous capabilities for climate action, particularly in financial and technological terms,” the declaration says.

The Global Assembly’s full declaration for action will be released at an event in the COP26 Green Zone Imax Theatre at 1300 UTC on 1 November, 2021. Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon,former UN IPCC Chair Sir Bob Watson and Laurence Tubiana, Architect of the Paris Agreement will join Global Assembly organisers at the event, and a large number of actual Global Assembly members from around the world are available to interview online.

$500 Grants Announced for People to Run Community Assemblies
The Global Assembly will be sitting until 28 Feb 2022, grants of $500 are being offered for people to run Community Assemblies. For more details see:

Today’s declaration has been prepared by the Assembly Members specifically for COP26. The final submission will be published in March 2022. It will contain a broader set of statements providing a full response to the framing question: how can humanity address the climate and ecological crisis in a fair and effective way?

Global Assembly member Chom Chaiyabut from Thailand said: "As a leader of my village who fights for Mother Nature in my community for all my life, I believe the power of citizens' assemblies such as the Global Assembly will pave the way for the fair and effective action we wish to see towards climate change."

Helganna Trantes, Global Assembly member from Cologne commented “It is exciting to take part in a worldwide pilot project on citizens’ rights and one of the most important topics of our times, to have been selected and to bring in my energy for a topic that really interests me.”

Link to the declaration:

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