La coalition mondiale pour la démocratie

We are on tour again: Ukrainian Vibes - European Public Sphere 2.0

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We are on tour again: Ukrainian Vibes - European Public Sphere 2.0


You’re a dreamer with a heart that beats European? - You’re not the only one! The project Ukrainian Vibes - European Public Sphere is on tour again and gathers European citizens under its digital dome to connect, discuss and share ideas regarding the future of Europe.

By Josephine Schnee

In the framework of our Europe-wide and digital discussion project Ukrainian Vibes - European Public Sphere, Democracy International e.V. in cooperation with the NGOs Change Communication and National Ecological Centre of Ukraine both situated in Kyiv have come together to organize two sets of online event series.    

The first phase of the Ukrainian Vibes tour started in April and ended in June this year. There, young participants shared and strengthened their knowledge about participation in different areas to build the Europe they want to live in.    
The second phase of the tour started in September 2021. In three webinars we want to collect visions and solutions for Europe’s future in the fields of Democracy, Sustainability, and European Integration. With Ukraine being the tour’s host country, it is focused throughout many of the discussions. After our dialogues have come to an end in October, we’ll bring all ideas to the Conference on the Future of Europe and also hand them over to European stakeholders.

On 7 September 2021, the first of the three webinar sessions premiered. The session itself was all about “Inclusiveness of Democracy & Participatory Innovations”. Participants discussed in three groups about political participation of people with disabilities, gender inequality in Ukraine,  and digital tools to improve political participation. Supported by academic advisors, such as Dr. Rikki J. Dean from the Democratic Innovations Research Unit at Goethe University Frankfurt and Adriana Caballero-Pérez, a researcher at the Faculty of Law at Maastricht University, participants got an insight on the latest research in the respective topics. In addition, civil society representatives presented innovative projects tackling the issues on the ground. The eParticipation platform VoteRookie and the project Walk the Talk with PWDs by Independent Living Serbia as well as the project #it_is_not_okay by Change Communication were presented and discussed.    

The vibrant discussions following the speaker’s presentations show that a pan-European   discourse on democracies has a great need. For sure, we will have the same experience in our upcoming events and invite everyone to join the next two sessions dedicated to the topics “Smart Citizens, Wise Decisions — Sustainability” and “Europe & Ukraine”.

During the session “Smart Citizens, Wise Decisions — Sustainability” on 14 September 2021 we will discuss Smart Cities & Integrated City Development and Green Tourism Trend - Sustainable Tourism Practices. Interesting projects as well as the latest research regarding the topics, will be presented.

The topics Ukraine en route to the EU: Citizens' Opinions and Hopes, Towards a European Identity and European Citizens from East and West will be discussed during the last session dedicated to “Europe and Ukraine” on 21 September 2021. Here as well, academic speakers give insights into their research and committed citizens present their outstanding projects.

The webinars encourage everyone to bring their own perspective and to speak up for the future Europe they want. They not only give the opportunity to learn more about specific issues regarding the European community, it is also a great chance to meet people from all over Europe.

The Ukrainian Vibes team cannot wait to see you soon! Register here to join the upcoming events: 



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