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Climate Assembly Presents Citizens' Report

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Climate Assembly Presents Citizens' Report

+ Citizens urge for major changes in future climate policy +
+ All candidates for chancellor receive Citizens’ Report +
+ Forsa poll shows high approval for Citizens' Assembly +


On Tuesday, 7 September 2021, the Climate Assembly will publish the Citizens' Report with recommendations for Germany’s future climate policy. Over the past months, 160 randomly drawn citizens – representative of the German population as a whole - have discussed and formulated their recommendations for a sustainable German climate policy. The Climate Assembly took place under the patronage of the former German President, Horst Köhler. The aim of the discussions was to formulate measures to assure Germany’s compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement. Renowned scientists from various disciplines supported the Climate Assembly with their expertise.

Over the next ten days, the report will be personally handed over to all leading candidates for Chancellor in the upcoming federal elections or their representatives. Specific appointments have been made with Lukas Köhler, who represents Christian Lindner (FDP) on 7 September, Robert Habeck, who represents Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) on 10 September and Dietmar Bartsch (Die Linke) on 13 September. The candidates from the CDU/CSU and SPD parties, who currently make up the government, have not yet confirmed their dates.

Former President Horst Köhler, patron of the Climate Assembly: "With the Climate Assembly, the citizens have sent a strong signal: We are ready for change and we want to try to find a way out of the climate crisis together. With the Citizens' Report, their recommendations are on the table. Now we have to work out how to turn them into solutions."

Percy Vogel, Board of Directors of the Climate Assembly: "For the first time in German history, a nationwide Climate Assembly made up exclusively of citizens has convened. For months, ordinary people from all segments of society have informed themselves, discussed with each other - sometimes argued - and in the end reached an agreement. With their recommendations, which are collected in the Citizens' Report, they demand that the upcoming government act in strict compliance with the Paris climate goals. They have outlined measures for a responsible climate policy that is capable of bringing about the necessary changes."  

Representative Forsa survey

The results set out in the Citizens' Report are met with broad approval among voters. A representative Forsa poll showed that 79% (28% “definitely agree”, 51% “rather agree”) of respondents think that the recommendations of the Climate Assembly should serve as guideline for the next German government.

This approval is also reflected in the broad civil society alliance of 86 organisations from all sectors of society that support the Climate Assembly. In addition to environmental and social organisations, these include the German Association of the Automotive Industry and dena – the Germany Energy Agency. Here you can find the list of organisations that have supported the Climate Assembly either in the advisory board or the circle of supporters.

Upcoming important dates:

-    7 September: Publication of the Citizens' Report
-    14 September: Discussion - Between Citizen Participation and Politics: What Opportunities Does the Climate Assembly Offer?
With: Viviane Raddatz (WWF), Claudia Kemfert (DIW), Roman Huber (Mehr Demokratie) a. o. Moderation: Percy Vogel (Climate Assembly)

Press contact:
Friedrich Göring: +49 172 7983842
Holger Michel: +49 178 6623679


Democracy International fights to strengthen direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. Our work centres around fostering direct democracy, citizen participation and transparent decision-making, as well as supporting activists around the world. As part of this mission, Democracy International informs its subscribers on a range of citizens participation processes such as the Climate Assembly. However, we are not an organiser of the Assembly itself.




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