Join the Ukrainian Vibes - European Public Sphere Tour 2.0 and discuss your visions and ideas for the future of Europe together with other Europeans! In three 1,5-hour sessions we collect visions and solutions for Europe’s future in the crucial and urgent fields of democracy, sustainability and European integration. With Ukraine being the tour’s host country, it is also our special focus throughout many of the discussions.
Session 1: Inclusiveness of Democracy & Participatory Innovations
07 September 2021, 18.00-19.30 CEST via Zoom
Session 2: Smart Citizens, Wise Decisions - Sustainability
14 September 2021, 18.00-19.30 CEST via Zoom
Session 3: Europe and Ukraine
21 September 2021, 18.00-19.30 CEST via Zoom
You want to join? Click here for more information and registration.
The project is based on a cooperation between Democracy International, Change Communications and National Ecological Centre of Ukraine.
It is supported by Engagement Global with funds from the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung.