Dear ,
One important question has been on my mind. It has stayed with me ever since my journey through the United States where I spent two weeks in the "swing states" during the presidential elections. On this election observation tour, it became very clear to me just how deep the divisions in American society run—and what happens when political factions redefine terms like democracy or freedom to serve their own agendas.
My pressing question is: Why did we allow this reinterpretation to happen in the first place?
My answer to this question is still a preliminary one: Too often, we have failed to speak confidently and clearly about the advantages of democracy. We have allowed others to take control of the narrative because we have been too caught up in the details of day-to-day political debates, rather than focusing on the core principles.
It is Donald Trump’s reelection that has made me reflect so deeply, not only because of its immediate consequences but also because it reflects a global trend: the rise of right-wing populist forces in democracies around the world.
Populists promote a worldview where not everyone is considered equal or of equal worth. They demand more rights for themselves and fewer freedoms for others. They stand for intolerance and restrictions, for exclusive political access rather than integration. And they offer seemingly simple solutions to complex problems—solutions that ultimately serve only their own interests.
Democracy, as I understand it and as Democracy International advocates for, is inclusive: it considers and integrates all people, regardless of their origin, religion, gender, or life circumstances. Democracy is tolerant: it tolerates differing opinions, engages with them, and seeks compromises that work for everyone. Democracy is participatory: it demands and thrives on the involvement of all—and will not settle for less. And democracy is solution-oriented: it seeks answers that address the complexity of problems rather than merely advancing a single political agenda.
Let's take action together—for a democracy that is inclusive, tolerant, and just. Now, more than ever, we as democracy supporters are needed. Together, let's talk about these values, inspire others, and show why democracy is everyone’s responsibility.