Newsletter N°30 - February 2023
Mexico: The new world leader in direct democracy?
Dear reader,
It is a fascinating country. With more than 126 million inhabitants. The biggest spanish speaking country in the world. The worlds 15th biggest economy. The country has 68 official languages and 32 autonomous states.
And then there is this news: no other country in the world has more procedures of modern direct democracy. With 82 different tools at the local level, 175 on the regional one and three nationwide mechanism of initiative and referendum Mexico beats even the most experienced direct democracy, Switzerland (153 legal designs in total).
This alone should be reason enough to not miss the most comprehensive Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy ever coming up in Mexico in just a few weeks. During not less than eight full days almost 1000 democracy supporters from 100 countries will gather on various spots of Mexico to look into the current practice and future opportunities of modern participatory and direct democracy worldwide: Guadalajara, Hidalgo, Mexico City and Mérida are a few of the cities this Forum will taken place.
This is a timely gathering indeed as democracy is under attack from autocratic and populist leaders in many places. Also within Mexico there are different forces at hand willing to undermine the independence of key democratic institutions like the ‘Instituto Electoral Nacional’, one of our local hosts. And there are criminal elements in action exercising brutal violence to silence both elected politicians, investigative journalists and active citizens.
With our next Forum we want to both honor the fascinating developments towards more democracy and support this country against its internal enemies of freedom and democracy. But we want also to show, that it makes a difference world wide what happens in a hotspot like Mexico.
Your participation and support is the key to success
Kind regards,
Bruno Kaufmann
Board Member, Democracy International
Upcoming events and projects from our community
- Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy:
1-4 March, Mexico City, Mexico. Sign up
- Are elected presidents bad for democracy?
2 March, Casa de la Primera Imprenta de América, Mexico City, 7:00 pm CT. Sign Up
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