the global coalition for democracy


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phone: +49 221 669 66 50

Newspapers from the UK


Democracy International publishes reports to monitor referenda. We also issue papers to present our position on actual (direct) democracy issues around the globe and to highlight findings from our projects and activities.

On this site you can find our most recent publications in chronological order. You already know what you are looking for? 



Booklet on the World Citizens Initiative


It is possible to sort by type: monitoring reports, position papers, charts and hard cover books. 

To categorise our publications, simply use the filter below.

Volksbefragung in Wien

Im März 2013 fand in Wien eine Volksbefragung zu vier Themen statt: Parkraumbewirtschaftung, Olympische Sommerspiele 2028, Privatisierung kommunaler Dienstleistungen und die Fortführung der erneuerbaren Energieprojekte mit Bürgerbeteiligung.

Österreich: Wehrpflicht Volksbefragung

Am 20. Jänner 2013 wurden die Wähler/innen in Österreich befragt, ob die Wehrpflicht beibehalten oder ob ein Berufsheer geschaffen werden soll. In diesem Bericht werden die rechtlichen Grundlagen sowie der Verlauf des Verfahrens analysiert.

Position Paper
From the Crisis to Direct Democracy? The case of Iceland

After the big financial crisis, Iceland has the potential to reinvent itself. A total revision of the national constitution has been launched and a first draft presented in July 2011. All these elements were good reasons to visit Iceland.

Position Paper
Direct Democracy in Greece & the 2011 Referendum

In this paper Antonios Bouchagiar and Mihalis Gousgounis, both lawyers register in Brussels, describe from a historical and legal perspective the forms of direct democracy which have been limited to national referenda in Greece.

The Kenyan Constitutional Referendum of 4th August 2010

The Kenyan referendum that was held on 4th August 2010 was the second referendum ever to occur since Kenya got her independence in 1963. Read this report to learn more about the constitutional reforms in this African country.

15-Jahres-Bericht bayerischer Bürgerbegehren und Bürgerentscheide

Am 1.Oktober 1995 haben die Bürger Bayerns durch einen Volksentscheid das Recht auf Bürgerbegehren und Bürgerentscheid erwirkt. Mehr-Demokratie e.V. fühlt sich verpflichtet solche Prozesse weiterhin zu fördern.

Hardcover Book
Europe: not without the people!

This book written by Michael Efler, Gerald Häfner, Roman Huber and Percy Vogel evalutes the Nice Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty. It also proposes solutions for the democratisation of the EU.

Auswertung des Referendums über den Vertrag von Lissabon in Irland (Juni 2008)

Dieser Bericht untersucht das irische Referendum über den EU-Reformvertrag, der auch Vertrag von Lissabon genannt wird. Das Referendum wurde am 12. Juni 2008 abgehalten und war das einzige über diesen Vertrag.

Evaluation of the Irish Referendum on Lisbon Treaty, June 2008

This report examines the process of the Irish referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon. The referendum was held on June 12, 2008 and was the only referendum on this treaty.

Hardcover Book
Direct Democracy: Facts and Arguments about the introduction of Initiative and Referendum

The 20th century is the century of democracy, argue Jos Verhulst and Arjen Nijeboer. In this book they rebut the critical arguments against direct democracy and show that direct democracy leads to societies with responsibly-acting citizens.



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