Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Content tagged with "USA"

Dane Waters
In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. This month, the spotlight is on the United States. In 1998, frustrated by the lack of information on direct democratic instruments, Dane...
In Country in focus, Democracy International takes a closer look at advances in modern direct democracy and citizen participation worldwide. This month, the spotlight is on the United States. In the 2016 state House race in Michigan (USA) to fill 110 seats, Republicans and...
Schon kurz nachdem der 45. US-amerikanische Präsident Donald seinen Amtseid geschworen hatte, ließ der neue Machthaber die Website des Weißen Hauses maßgeblich verändern. Doch die Seite "We the People!", die Barack Obama eingeführt hatte, blieb bestehen. Die Konsequenz: Schnell...
In at least one respect, the new US administration under President Trump has been very well prepared: within seconds of taking the oath the official White House webpage changed radically— with one interesting exception, writes Bruno Kaufmann, editor-in-chief of people2power.
Par Bruno Kaufmann, membre de la direction de Democracy International et redacteur du portal people2power.info A l'approche de Noël et des fêtes de fin d'année, la plupart des gens sont en quête de paix et de communion. Sur les lieux de travail, les employés s'apprêtent à se...
von Bruno Kaufmann, Vorstandsmitglied von Democracy International und Chefredakteur des Online-Portals people2power.info Weihnachten und die Feiertage stehen vor der Tür, viele Menschen sehnen sich nach Frieden und Gemeinschaft. An vielen Arbeitsplätzen kommt das Personal zu...
By Bruno Kaufmann, board member of Democracy International and editor-in-chief of the online portal people2power.info. With Christmas and the holiday season just a few weeks away, people crave peace and community. At many workplaces, employees gather for year-end parties – as...
Daniel Schily in Berlin on 22 October 2015
Am 22. Oktober veranstaltete Democracy International gemeinsam mit dem US-amerikanischen Zócalo Public Square in Berlin die Veranstaltung: "Was kann die Welt von Europas Flüchtlingskrise lernen?". Anlässlich dieser Diskussion, die zeitgleich in New York übertragen wurde, hielt...
Daniel Schily in Berlin on 22 October 2015
On 22 October 2015, Daniel Schily, executive manager of Democracy International, welcomed the audience of the event "What can the world learn from Europe's refugee crisis?" that took place in Berlin with the following words.
Adam Briggle is a member of “Frack Free Denton”, an alliance of citizens that banned hydraulic oil and gas drilling (“fracking”) in Denton, Texas, in November 2014. The successful protest against fracking was realised by means of direct democracy. It gained worldwide attention...



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